•  How to earn money online?
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 Such questions are very much asked and searched in search engines and there shall be no shame to ask these questions because money is need of many things. Humans are continuously increasing their wants and to accommodate their needs and wants they need money to get them. You might think that why money is to get needs and wants. The simple and short answer is, don’t ask stupid questions. Of course economies are trading with monies not using barter system.Remember one thing, earning money is not easy as people think but it can be very easy and smart if good mind is used. Today I am going to tell you an easy way which is now a days increasing rapidly specially in developing nations where $$$$ worth something special. Data entry work is very demanding and easy way, even a normal computer literate person can earn a handsome amount of Dollars $$$ to live good life.

Data entry can be of various types.

  • Online Data Entry
  • Offline Data entry

It can be,

  • Form Filling
  • Image processing
  • Word typing
  • Content writing
  • Captcha data entry work
I would focus on Captcha data entry work.For those who don’t know, must know what Captcha is

Captcha is a simple image of words or characters to tell computer that humans are apart from bots. A security image you fill many times at the time of registration at many websites, portals, forums, or signing up for email address at Gmail. It stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

The actual fact
There are many companies in the internet market which encourage spammers and solve their Captchas charging some cost. These companies hire workers, freelancers, or employees to get those Captchas solved and returned to their clients. Most companies outsource the freelancers to solve these Captchas and pay them for correct solved Captchas.These companies pay for correct 1000=1k entries and set their rates like $1 to $2 per 1k. A good typer having good typing speed can enter 1000 Captchas in an hour.Following are some good companies which provide good rates. For some you can register and for some you need administrator account so that you can manage other workers. It is likely to be working as boss if you are having administrator account.
ü  Qlinkgroup:
ü  Captcha typers
ü  Captchabusters
ü  Captcha2cash
ü  Pixprofit
ü  Kolitobablo
Choosing right website can be difficult, but I tell you all servers are relevant. Although following factors are to be considered while choosing right server
.§  Server speed
§  Server timings when fast
§  Rater per 1k minimum withdraw
§  Payment methods
§  Captcha flow
§  Case sensitivity
§  Customer Support

How you can work
You can work in following types of conditions
1.     Standalone: Being standalone you are individual to work and get payment directly from company in your account for you work.
2.     Team member: This situation increases the rate of 1k entries and much faster payment then standalone.
3.     Team administrator: The most efficient and effective way to give yourself a rest and let your workers work for you and you just pull the stipulated percentage of amount of work done and rest is paid to your workers.

how to solve captcha
Solving Captcha is neither difficult nor a rocket science. Just a simple word containing image will be seen on screen and you would enter these similar words in given time. Once you entered the Captcha the next captcha will come and take place of first captcha image to get him solved by your fast typing fingers.You can use third party software to increase the captcha flow and your earnings also. Although companies offer legal software free of cost for their websites but in those accounts you can work only for limited ids and relative company work. On the other hand using third party software you can work with many ids of many companies at the same time
How can you get paid
You can get paid in many different online banks like PayPal, Libertyeeserve, Moneybookers (Skrill), Webmoney or Bank Transfer.Yes sure they will be a minimum withdraw amount but it is not necessary if you are working under some team administrator

Have good online work!!!!!!!! 


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